H-2A Shepherds — Colorado Sheep Industry

 Shepherds of the Western Range

Open range sheep herding is a proud and historic part of our western ranching heritage.  H-2A sheep herders are center stage in this rugged and sometimes remote lifestyle.  Shepherds of the Western Range takes an in-depth look at the working conditions of the H-2A sheep herders.  It provides a unique opportunity to learn about sheep herding on the open range. 

You can view the individual chapters of Shepherds of the Western Range by selecting a chapter from the list below. 

You can also watch the chapters on YouTube.com by searching for "Colorado sheep herders."

Chapter 1:  Introduction

Chapter 2: What is the purpose of this documentary?

Chapter 3:  History of sheep herding in Colorado

Chapter 4:  What is an H-2A sheep herder?

Chapter 5:  Why do foreign workers want to be shepherds in the United States?

Chapter 6:  The process of becoming an H-2A sheep herder?

Chapter 7:  How does a herder get to the United States?

Chapter 8:  Exploitation by Special Interest Groups:  The Vulnerability of the Sheep Herder

Chapter 9:  Working Conditions:  Part 1    Part 2

Chapter 10:  Housing

Chapter 11:  Meals

Chapter 12:  Wages

Chapter 13:  Vacations for Herders

Chapter 14:  Access to Town

Chapter 15:  Communication

Chapter 16:  Is Sheep Herding Dangerous?

Chapter 17: Visitors at Sheep Camp

Chapter 18:  Conflict Resolution

Chapter 19: Final Thoughts

Chapter 20:  Credits


Western Range Association

Mountain Plains Agricultural Service

Agriculture Workforce Services

Address:811 N. Glenn Rd. Casper WY 82601


Photo credit Banner: Terri Lamers